Laluna Hotel and Resort
Thai Traditional Wedding
Thai Traditional Wedding
Priest Wedding
Priest Wedding

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Laluna Hotel and Resort


We know the most memorial day of your life. Your dream will come true if you tell us what you’d like on wedding. The details below will help you decide and choose the best for the arrangement. We believe this is only one opportunity in your life that you can choose for the best…

Wedding Party Capacities

Venue Wedding Hall Lagoon Pool
Thai Buffet catering 150-200 200-250
Chinese table catering 120-150 200-250
Cocktails party 150-200 250-300
Kantok dinner 150-200 200-250
Thai Traditional Wedding

Thai Traditional Wedding

79,000.- Baht

Immerse yourselves into Thai culture and have your ceremony blessed by AUTHENTIC Thai monks from the local Wat (Temple). Traditional Thai weddings are ONLY held in the early mornings. This service is considered a ‘marriage blessing’ since it is often held in the afternoon. Non-Buddhists are openly welcome to take part in this ceremony.

Priest Wedding

Priest Wedding

79,000.- Baht

Religious or non-religious ceremony, our chic wedding package and professional team will assist you in creating one of the most important days of your life, ensuring you will have the most unforgettable Wedding experience. The traditional Western style Wedding comes with a Wedding ceremony and reception accompanied by exchange of vows and rings, all symbolizing a commitment to sharing a life together.

Chinese Wedding

Chinese Wedding

79,000.- Baht

Because we know that each and every couple has their own style. Serves to supplement your wedding venue. We’ll even add a flavour of elegance and splendour to your tea ceremony decoration.